Peeled stakes are made from the trunk of one whole tree, debarked, one of the ends is sharpened, and the other is cut off or phased. Standard sharpening – four-sided in the shape of a pyramid. They are used as supports for crops (grapes, young trees, etc.), as well as fences, retaining walls, reinforcing snow shields, etc.
Dimensions of peeled stakes, manufactured by our company:
- Length: in the range of 1000 - 4000 mm
- Diameter: 50-75 mm; 75-100 mm; 100-125mm
Additionally, we do the following:
- stamp by burning out on each product
- drying
- impregnation (deep impregnation with Tanalit)
Do you want to cooperate with us, but still have questions? Write, we will respond promptly.